Do fun activities

Cheering up is easier said than done, but if it gets people to quit telling you to perk up as though that idea had never occurred to you, it’ll be well worth the effort. There are a million ways to cheer yourself up. To help yourself get out of a rut, try the following ideas.

1. Build a fort in your living room.
 Drag your mattress onto your floor, rearrange the furniture around it, build a blanket-and-sheet roof, and bring your cat, dog, best friend, and/or computer along. Put on a happy album, watch movies, eat snacks (and let yourself get crumbs in the bed), and forget your troubles for a while.

2. Watch cute or funny videos. 
At any given moment on the internet, you’re about two clicks away from a video of an adorable and/or hilarious animal that’s guaranteed to coax at least a smirk out of you. If that’s not your thing, look up a tried and true comedian, a movie clip that busts you up, or anything else that might tickle your funny bone.

3. Get in touch with an old friend.
 You know, the one you’ve been meaning call for months (or even years) but you just keep putting it off. Let go of your guilt for not having done it sooner and enjoy catching up. If you can’t get a hold of them on the phone, take the time to write a long email.

4.Take a luxurious bath. 
Fill the tub, add oils, salts, soaps, or even fresh herbs like mint or lavender, set out candles, and let yourself read or just relax for a while.

5. Play in the dirt.
 No, really; scientists are finding that friendly bacteria in the soil actually trigger the brain to produce serotonin and have an antidepressant effect.[1] If you have a garden, get out there and dig. Watching the bugs, birds, and beautiful colors certainly won’t hurt either.

6. Cook yourself a delicious meal – or bake a decadent dessert.
 When did you last take the time to make yourself something? Put on a good album, set out candles, and whip up some appreciation food for yourself. You deserve it.
If you’re tired of cooking the same old, look up a new and exciting recipe. To keep it stress free, try something that looks fast and foolproof; you don’t want to end the evening in tears because your first ever soufflĂ© has collapsed into flames.
If you’re already swamped by how much cooking you do, treat yourself to a night out.

7. Spruce up your home.
 This doesn’t mean a floor-to-ceiling scrub-down (unless you’re into that sort of thing); it means tidying up, doing a quick vacuuming/sweeping session, washing the bedding (nothing feels cozier than clean sheets!), and putting out candles or a vase of flowers (or branches with fall leaves, or whatever else you have handy).

8. Cheer someone else up.
 There's an idea that floats around many New Age circles which says if you want something, give it sincerely to someone else. If you can make someone else happy, why can't you make yourself happy? Ask the people around you how they are doing. Listen to them and try to find a way to make them feel better. You'll draw your attention away from your own negativity and in doing away with theirs, you'll probably get rid of yours too.

9. Hug someone.
 Hugs release endorphins. Find someone to give you a hug, even if it's someone you’ve only just met. Random strangers are surprisingly open to giving hugs in many cultures.

10. Exercise.
 Physical activity releases endorphins that naturally perk up your mood. Some studies suggest that a workout is just as effective as anti-depression medication in curing negative moods and attitudes.

11. Take a power nap.
 Although tiredness or exhaustion might not be what put you in a rut, it can certainly push you further down. Sometimes a nap can function like a "second morning," similar to pushing the reset button on electronics. Once you get up, take a shower or at least wash your face to make it feel like a fresh start.

You can also try:

Sing and dance. 
Although it hasn't been proven, there might be a "body feedback hypothesis" that will help you feel a little more confident. Hide out in your room, put on a happy song, and dance and sing along like you mean it. If you don't know the words to a song, look up the lyrics and read them as you sing or make up your own lyrics as you go along. For your dancing, do a silly novelty dance like the robot, chicken dance, moonwalk or the macarena.
The key with this step is to let loose. The wackier, the better. Even if you feel awful, just pretend you're an obnoxiously happy person and you'll improve your mood by several notches.
If you dare, record yourself doing this with a video camera and watch it so you can laugh at your crazy silliness.

Meditate. In this case, it's not about the crossed legs, candles or mantras. It's about becoming aware of your thoughts so that they don't control you. Imagine your thoughts are being displayed on an electronic scroll screen. Watch the thoughts go by and don't judge them. You'll probably observe the same thoughts repeating themselves like a broken record. If you meditate in this way long and often enough, you'll notice the repetitive thoughts dropping off on their own because you're not acting on them; you're just observing them.

Be thankful. Everyone has something to be grateful for. Make a list of the good things that have happened to you. Think of how life could be worse, and flip the thought process to recognize what you do have. If you're flunking in school, think about how you're at the beginning of the term and not the end, or that you even have a chance to go to school. Get a notebook and a pen, and write down all the good things that you have. Revisit this list when you are feeling negative.

Forgive. In addition to being thankful, it is also good practice to forgive those who have hurt you in the past. Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and concentrate on the people you want to forgive. Imagine you are sitting in a circle with those who have done you harm. See their faces in your mind and take turns concentrating on each one of them individually. When you really feel connected to one of them, say out loud, "I forgive you". Ideally, this routine is also ended by forgiving yourself for things in your life that you regret or cannot control. The purpose of this exercise is to create serenity with feelings of peace and renewal.
Note that you don't forgive others for their benefit (or because they deserve it); it's for your benefit so you can put the past behind you and move on.

Accept. This concept, which is central to eastern philosophies like Buddhism, is based on the idea that the world is perfect just the way it is. There is much around us that isn't perfect and that's okay. We can just accept this state of affairs and decide that we don't need our life to be perfect in order for us to cheer up.

Imagine. Close your eyes and think of a place that makes you happy. After that, think of your bad mood as an item, pick it up and put it in the trash can.

Also, Check out these awesome movies:

 The Bucket List
This is an incredibly inspiring movie. Two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.

The Blind Side
The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.

How To Train Your Dragon
A helpless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed.

Or check out this 3D print :
How to Train Your Dragon (Two-Disc Blu-ray 3D/DVD Combo)
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