The human brain is a complicated organ which has been a mystery for many people since ages. It is a very complex structure which has enormous power and energy. There have been some doctors and scientists who devoted their lives to find the truth of human brain. It is such a wonderful organ in human body that everyone feels surprised when one comes to know the amazing and interesting facts about human brain. You may wonder if you know some interesting, amazing and fun facts about human brain as some of the facts are given here:
Our brain can think quicker than a computer. Our brain contains 75% of water. Human brain produces enough energy to illuminate a light bulb. Human brain distinguishes between the tickle by self and others that's why you cannot tickle yourself. Blind people also dream.
So there are many interesting, amazing and fun facts about human brain. You may need to know whether a human dreams in black and white or in colour. Do our deodorants have any role in our memory? How much powerful our brain is? So go ahead and find 77 interesting facts to quench your thirst of knowing the interesting, amazing and fun facts about human brain.
- The human brain weighs about 3 lbs.
- The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. Cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain's weight.
- Human skin Weighs twice as much as human brain.
- The brain's grey matter is made up of neurons, which gather and transmit signals.
- The white matter is made up of axons and dendrites, which make the network by which neurons send their signals.
- Human brain is 40% grey matter and 60% white matter.
- The brain is made up mostly of water. The brain contains approximate 75% water that's why people feel light headed, dizzy or can't remember anything when they are dehydrated.
- A human brain contains about 100 billion neurons, the same number of stars in our galaxy. This number is about 16 times larger than the amount of people on the planet.
- The left hemisphere of the human brain contains 186 million more neurons than the right hemisphere of the human brain.
- Every minute, 750-1000 ml of blood flow through the brain. Every minute, the brain consumes 1/5 cups of oxygen from that blood. Of that oxygen consumed, 94% will be used by the grey mater and 6% will be used by the brain's white matter.
- Our brain is about 2% of our total body weight but uses 20% of our body's energy.
- A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day that by all the telephones in the world.
- After the age of 30, the human brain shrinks a quarter of a percent in mass each year.
- The brain does not contain pain receptor that's why the brain cannot feel pain.
- Humans have the largest brain if compared to body size. An elephant has a brain size of 0.15 percent of body weight while the size of human brain is 2% of body size.
- If we talk of length of blood vessels in human brain, there are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain.
- The human brain contains the most fat and consists of at least 60% fat.
- During early pregnancy, Neurons develop @ 250,000 per minute in the fetus.
- The size of the brain is almost same as an adult and at birth.
- The human brain stops growing after the age of 18.
- The cerebral cortex of human brain grows thicker as it is used. The cerebral cortex is responsible for sensing and interpreting input from various sources and maintaining cognitive function.
- If properly stimulated, a child can have 25% more of learning capacity.
- A human brain continues to create new neurons throughout life with response to mental activities.
- A loud reading promotes brain development.
- The emotions such as fear, shyness, joy, happiness are developed at birth. The nurturing of the child shapes these emotions in brain.
- Touch is the first sense which is developed in uterus. The cheeks and lips can feel touch at about 8 weeks and the rest of the body feels touch at about 12 weeks.
- Children who are bilingual before the age of five have their brain structure altered.
- Child abuse can check the development of the brain.
- Human brain uses 20% of the total oxygen in body.
- Human brain use 20% of the blood circulating in the body.
- If the human brain loses blood for 8 to 10 seconds., the body loses consciousness.
- Information can be processed as fast as 120 meters/sec or as slowly as 0.5 meters/sec in human brain.
- While awake, the brain generates 10-25 watts of power. This much power is enough to power a light bulb.
- A yawn sends more oxygen to the brain, thus working to cool down the brain and wake it up.
- The neocortex is responsible for language and consciousness and it makes up about 76% of the human brain.
- The old saying that humans only use 10% of their brain is not true. Each part of the brain has a sell known function.
- Without oxygen, the brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes and then it stars to die. If the brain lives without oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes, it will result in permanent brain damage.
- The highest human body temperature ever recorded was 115.7 degrees and the man survived.
- Excessive stress can alter brain structure, brain cells and brain function.
- Oxytocin (one of the hormones responsible for producing feelings of love in the brain has certain benefits to control repetitive behaviours of autistic people.
- According to a study done on one million students in New York, the students who ate lunches without artificial flavors, preservative, and dyes performed 14% better in IQ tests than the students who ate lunches with these additives.
- We can't tickle ourselves because our brain distinguishes between unexpected external touch and our own touch.
- We are able to decide if someone is sad, in a good mood, or is angry just by reading the face. A small area in our brain named the amygdala is responsible for our ability to read someone else face.
- Man and woman’s brain react differently to pain.
- There is a class of people who are known as super tasters because they have more taste buds than others and their brains can detect some flavors which others cannot.
- Do not scold anyone who says that he feels cold while it may not be cold for you because some people have more sensitivity to cold that n others. Their brains have some channels which send them the information of cold which may be associated with pain too.
- It is found that men take decisions quickly while women take time to decide but it is also found that men can change their decisions while women try to keep with the decision once taken.
- The bonding between mind and body is a strong one. There is a study which says that between 50-70% of visits to the doctor for physical ailments are caused by psychological factors.
- A study says that those experiencing the sadness are more willing to spend more money in order to get rid of their sadness.
- If you experience jet lags frequently, beware!!! Because it can impair your memory, mainly due to the stress hormones released.
- Each time we recall a memory or have a new thought, we create a new connection in our brain.
- Memory is formed by associations, so if we want to remember things, make associations for the things to remember.
- Choose your Deodorant/perfume/scent wisely as memories triggered by deo/perfume/scent have an intense and strong emotional connection.
- When we recall a word or something and we feel that it is almost in our memory but we feel difficulty in saying that word- it is called Anomia.
- When we sleep, our brain consolidates all the memories of the day.
- If we cant' sleep, it disturbs our ability to create memories.
- Estrogen and Insulin both promote better memory functions.
- If we can't remember our dream it doesn't mean we don't dream. Everyone dreams.
- Most of the people dream for 1-2 hours a night and the average for dreams is 4-7 dreams per night.
- Our brain waves are more active when we dream than when we are awake.
- If we want to remember our dream we must jot down our dr4eam immediately after waking up from dream. 5 minutes after a dream, 50% of the dream is forgotten and 10 minutes after a dream more than 90% of the dream is forgotten.
- Blind people also dream.
- Around 12% people dream in Black and white and others dream in colour.
- When we sleep, our body produces a hormone that may prevent us from acting out our dream, leaving us virtually paralysed.
- If we snore, we don't dream.
- If we awake during a dream, we can remember the dream better than we sleep for full night.
- Every time you blink, you brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so that your world does not go dark. On an average, a human blinks 20,000 times a day.
- Laughing up is not easy as it requires action in 5 different areas of the brain. So we must be thankful to them who make us laugh.
- Have you noticed that listening to your favourite songs fills you with energy and enthusiasm? Yes it's true, music boosts brain functioning and is a good mood maker.
- On a average, a human gets 70,000 thoughts a day.
- Those who are ambidextrous or left-handed have a corpus collosum 11% larger than those who are right handed. Corpus Collosum is the part of the brain that bridges two halves of the brain.
- A study done by Bristol Myers Squibb says that on the job headaches are very frequent in accountants then in librarians and then followed by truck/bus drivers.
- You may be surprised to know that Aristotle thought that the functioning of the brain took place in heart.
- It is also noteworthy that the word "brain" appears sixty six times in the plays of William Shakespeare.
- Albert Einstein's brain was same in size as others humans but his brain was 35% large in the area of the brain which is responsible for spatial and mathematics perceptions.
- Albert Einstein's brain weighed 1,230 grams, significantly less than the human average 3 lbs.
- A human brain can thick quicker that a computer. Our brain can compute 10 to the 13th and 10 to the 16th operations per second. We can say that the human brain is capable of solving and computing problems much quicker that a computer.